Kelly Phoenix – “My Heart Is Open Wide For You”

Kelly Phoenix’s new song, “My Heart Is Open Wide For You”, is a superb example of raw emotion and his vocal power that will keep the listener captivated from the start to the end. Recorded in his home studio in Paris, Kelly brings a blend of Chet Baker’s melancholic melody and George Michael’s expressive delivery, which leaves a lasting effect. The song is characterized as an imaginary love story with an idea of bliss, lives on its jazz improvisation background, giving a nostalgic but new view on unattainable love.
The thing that makes this track different is Kelly’s choice to employ an unmastered vocal take, recorded on his phone, and thus, to stress the real emotion rather than the technical perfection. This choice is successful, because the roughness of the recording adds depth to the performance, making “My Heart Is Open Wide For You” a powerful, emotive masterpiece that strikes a chord with the listeners.