Hey guys! It’s Hayden here again with a new release, and I am truly loving APRE’s latest single, “No Sympathy”. I can’t wait to share it with all of you. This track is set to drop on June 7, 2024, and it’s a perfect mix of dance beats and indie rock guitars, born from a night of musical experimentation in Charlie Brown’s grandmother’s front room. The song delves into the tough decision of leaving a difficult relationship, with lyrics that really hit home.

The music video is a fun, tongue-in-cheek story about a fisherman who can’t catch any fish, perfectly capturing the song’s themes of struggle and persistence. APRE has really outdone themselves with this one, showing their evolution as artist and their deep connection with fans. You don’t want to miss out on this track, so make sure to add “No Sympathy” to your playlist, follow APRE on social media, and get ready for more amazing music from them.