Vic Moissis – “Fire and Steel”

Vic Moissis’ song “Fire and Steel” hits hard. It’s got strong sounds and intense lyrics. It’s hard not to feel the weight of the tragic event it references, the Tempi Valley train crash and the anger that fuels the song is raw and undeniable. What I love most is how the song speaks the truth. It doesn’t hold back on the negligence and corruption that came after the crash. Vic mixes strong feelings with important messages really well.
The production is spot on, with an intensity that mirrors the frustration and sorrow in the lyrics. This song sticks with you, it makes you think and pushes you to do something. The mix of energy and reflection is something I can really get behind.
If you haven’t yet, check out Vic Moissis on social media. He’s not just about making music., he’s using it for real change. It’s worth your time.