The Finch Cycle – “Mt. Pilot”

I love The Finch Cycle’s album “Mt. Pilot” so much, it’s one of those albums you can listen to on repeat and never get tired of. Released on June 21, this post-rock instrumental gem brings Bradley Murray’s indie rock expertise into a beautiful blend. With tracks like “Parents and Friends”, “James Squared”, and “Sarah Tone In”, the album takes you on an emotional journey. The guitars, expertly played by Bradley, along with Brendan Bartlett’s trombone and Michael Evans-Barker’s drums, create an evocative soundscape. The production, mixing, and mastering are top-notch, thanks to Bradley and Andrew McLaughlin.
The Finch Cycle nails that emotive 90s/early 00s indie rock vibe while crafting multi-layered, mood-rich compositions. You’ve got to check out “Mt. Pilot” and follow The Finch Cycle online, adding these tracks to your playlist for a truly immersive experience.