James Leonard Hewitson – “Fill My Head With Sugar”

UK-based singer-songwriter James Leonard Hewitson brings his distinctive brand of retro-infused indie rock to our attention. His latest offering, “Fill My Head With Sugar,” is a catchy commentary on the excessive consumption of television.
During the pandemic, many of us became intimately acquainted with our television screens, particularly binge-watching sitcoms. Hewitson’s song captures this phenomenon perfectly. It kicks off with the relatable lyrics, “Here I go again… I give myself to Jennifer Aniston…” A tinge of self-deprecation seeps through his vocals as he laments the TV-induced comas caused by these beloved “friends.” Whether you’ve succumbed to nightly doses of mindless TV or use your favorite shows to keep track of the days, the sentiment of these programs filling our heads with sugary distractions resonates with us all.
These wryly melancholic lyrics are set against a backdrop of nostalgically flavored music that envelops you like a sweet, irresistible trap. The song encapsulates a sentiment many of us share: the best-laid plans are those that are canceled, and a TV screen can be our eternal resting place. The infectious refrain is bound to stay with you, much like your favorite lines from your treasured episodes, whether it’s “Friends” in the first verse, “BoJack Horseman” in the second, or any other beloved show. It’s a sentiment that lingers, at least until the end of the track’s vibey guitar solo.