Ebony Buckle – “Hearts Get Started”

Ebony Buckle is an absolute musical gem. Her latest album, Hearts Get Started, is one of those rare releases that hooks you right from the start and somehow just keeps getting better every time you listen. It’s the kind of album you could leave on repeat all day, and it would still feel as fresh and magical as the first listen. The opening track “Fall Behind” sets the tone with its captivating sound, and from there, you’re taken on a genre-bending journey through folk, pop, rock, and blues.

Each song on this album is like a little world of its own, blending a wide range of influences to create something truly special. Ebony’s creativity shines in every note, and you can feel the passion in her music. Make sure to follow Ebony Buckle on social media and add “Hearts Get Started” to your Spotify playlist, you won’t want to miss out on this one.

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