Evelyn Cools – “Loving You”

Folk-rock singer-songwriter Evelyn Cools‘ latest release, “Loving You,” is a beautiful ballad that speaks straight to the heart.
The piano and clean electric guitar tones that form the song’s core softly flesh out the gentle melody. Drums are soon added, providing a wonderfully steady pace. The drums’ slightly rough-edged sound gives the overall mix a wonderful touch. As the song progresses, an acoustic guitar makes an appearance, adding a nice, rhythmic texture to the arrangement.
The highlight of the song is the sweet and delicate vocals of Evelyn Cools that effortlessly provide emotional weight to the tune. The soft and airy supporting backing vocals perfectly complement the expressive lead vocal tones.
The various feelings of falling in love are explored in lyrics of “Loving You.” The vulnerability and fortitude it takes to open oneself totally in the face of probable heartbreak are beautifully captured in Cools’ words, which feel emotionally raw and heartfelt. The sentiment is brilliantly expressed through the music, and the track perfectly captures the experience of truly loving someone for everything that they are.