Edie Yvonne – “I Might”

Hi everyone! Our close readers know how much I love Edie Yvonne, and I covered almost all of her songs. Today, I don’t think I can express enough how much I adore her latest, titled “I Might”, the track has got me hooked. Edie is only 16, but she is a true storyteller, and this song is like reading a letter from someone who opens their heart to you. It comes after her previous singles “Burn” and “Epitome” which complete a trilogy of vulnerability, but “I Might” is a breath of fresh air.

The tune is gentle, the words are powerful, and her singing is raw and personal yet relatable. It is clear that every song is written from the heart and it is hard not to relate to her songs. Check out Edie on Instagram, this release should be shared with everyone.

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