A Quick Chat With Empty Pinata About “I Have A Huge Crush On Doja Cat”

Q: Hi! What inspired you to write a song about Doja Cat, and what specific aspects of her work or persona resonated with you?

A: I love her attitude. She knows what pockets to get into. She’s got an obvious sex appeal but most notable to me would be her talent level. Rap ability and when to lean into that, her voice and tone and when to make a hit song. She’s just awesome and we’d all be lying if we said we didn’t think she was cool af

Q: How does “I Have A Huge Crush On Doja Cat” reflect your personal experiences or emotions, and what role does pop culture play in your music?

A: I’ve definitely hung out with awesome people and been starstruck or infatuated. I tried to write a song with that feeling in mind like “yo you’re so cool and i’m just lucky to be around you” I’m also an obnoxious person so i’ve done this dance a time or two. Making a fool of myself and ruining first impressions has become an involuntary pastime of mine

Q: Can you walk us through the creative process behind the song, from conception to production?

A: I initially wrote the song about bi-sexuality and how i feel as though i’m in between races and sexual orientations and intelligences but that felt too heavy for such a nostalgic instrumental so the beat just sat in my laptop for months until one day i played it again and had found a new direction for the main lines and BLAM! the song came about

Q: The song is described as having ‘laugh lines’ and being highly personal. Could you share some specific lyrics or moments that embody this?

A: one comes to mind
”The movie’s a drive in. The blue screen, silence”
I can remember going on “dates” as a kid and it was seemingly always the movies.
The movies are a great place to makeout and get ya freak on but for me, once the trailers start, it’s a serious time!! I think the original lyric was “green screen, quiet” or some cornball shit like that lol blue screen and blue jean just felt better in my head lol

Q: How does your background in creative direction influence your approach to music, particularly in terms of visual aesthetics or storytelling?

A: I think it gives me a suspension of disbelief that a lot of other artists aren’t granted like I’m a goofball so whatever i do is from this place but most other artists are too serious and direct. Some of my favorite movies are kind of in the grey area. “What did i just watch” kinda vibes. I want my music to sound and feel like that. Like, is this guy cool or not? What’s really going on with him

Q: What can we expect from your upcoming EP, “Nail Biter”? Will it explore similar themes or introduce new elements?

A: I’m hoping to finish this accompanying magazine soon so that’ll give more context to the ep’s name but speaking strictly in terms of the music, I think the themes are related. It’s all coming from the same place. I’ve always been this side character in real life and I think people relate to that so hopefully they feel like they can champion the right guy through the art

Q: Are there any particular messages or themes you want to convey through your music, and how does this song fit into that broader vision?

A: Sometimes people use you and sometimes that’s ok. Whether i was talking to doja cat or her to me. Being young is confusing and in a weird kinda meta way, i feel that about expression. I’ll feel this way right now but in a few months, i won’t even be able to relate to its delivery. Capture while you can because even if it’s bad and it’s some cringe worthy surf-y pop song, one day, you’ll be 80 years old looking back at this stuff and it won’t be awful at all.

Q: How do you see your music standing out in the current pop music landscape, and what sets your sound apart?

A: I think that relies heavily on our live performances. To make a show with as much attention to detail in the peripheral sense but be super loose and informal, I think that’s a quality I bring to the table. Like the artist isn’t removed from the fun and they’re not some type of shaman or sorcerer lol

Q: What are your plans for the rest of the year in terms of music releases, performances, or other creative projects?

A: I want to be cute about it so i’ll just say some singles and some visuals.

Q: How do you hope listeners will connect with “I Have A Huge Crush On Doja Cat,” and what do you want them to take away from it?

A: You know, a lot of my friends make music and they deeply over think the whole process. This song is like an anthem for the impulsive. Just do the damn thing and live in the aftermath. Life doesn’t always have to be this well-thought out, tactical battle. Sometimes capturing an emotion is more than enough

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