A conversation with Further North about “Russian Roulette”

Q: Hi! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your song “Russian Roulette”?

A: We wanted to write about the tough issue of alcohol addiction with a positive outlook. It is our belief that an important factor in battling addiction is the support system of friends and family. So, this song offers hope to someone in the midst of that battle and inspiration for those who find themselves around people in the battle.

Q: How did the writing and recording process for “Russian Roulette” differ from your other songs?

A: We wrote this song with JoJo Centineo and Rexi XO and it was a truly communal effort. The camaraderie was amazing! No one had to fight for their own ideas, and in an odd sort of way, the song kind of wrote itself. We loved the whole process.

Q: How has the band’s sound evolved since its formation, and how does “Russian Roulette” reflect that evolution?

A: We all have eclectic tastes in music. And, while we each have our own focuses, the main theme is pop-punk. So, RR is grounded in that pop-punk feeling, but there’s different flavors throughout. We love the trap beats and the 808’s, but in the end, its all about the melody.  A song has to be singable, and we feel like that’s the strength of RR.

Q: Can you share any memorable moments or challenges you faced while working on “Russian Roulette”?

A: The biggest struggle of writing and recording RR was the travel. We are from Dallas, TX and we flew to Los Angeles, CA for this project. It was insane.  Between the cancelled flights and layovers we were exhausted and ready to get down to business.  There was a sense of urgency in the trip since we had lost a day due to travel and I think this urgency can be heard in the song itself between the lyrics and the performance.

Q: How did Further North come together, and what led to the transition from an acoustic project to a full band?

A: We had been writing and playing acoustically for awhile, but the songs we were writing seemed to need a more aggressive sound that only an electric guitar can provide.  So, we started recording a “full band” sound and it only made sense for us to rebrand as Further North.  In a lot of ways, we’re still the same band, but on the other side, we’re a completely different band. Putting the acoustic guitars down gave us the breathing room to write fuller songs and not be held down to a specific style. Further North has a much more diverse sound than we had as an acoustic act.

Q: Can you share any memorable experiences or milestones from your time as a band?

A: We’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but the most memorable and enjoyable moments are on the road traveling together. There is something special about hitting the pavement in a vehicle iwth your closest friends. Everything rises and falls on those moments. If you can’t get along while you’re on the road, then your band can’t stay together. Period. These times always remind me about what I love about these guys. They are the kindest, most authentic, and talented people I know. The road reminds me of why we’re together and motivates me to keep playing music.

Q: What are your future plans and goals for Further North, and what can fans expect from you in the coming months?

A: We had a number of new songs that we can’t wait to share!  And, we’ll be hitting the road again, so keep up with us on all the socials.  Also, if you want to see us in your town, hit us up!  Seriously, send us a message and we’ll work something out.

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