Ainsley Costello – “THEREGOESMY!”

Ainsley Costello’s new single “THEREGOESMY!“ is one of those songs that hooks you from the first note and somehow keeps getting better with every listen. It’s bright, bold, and irresistibly catchy, one of those tracks you could have on repeat all day, and it still wouldn’t lose its magic. Inspired by Carly Rae Jepsen’s pop sparkle and Hayley Williams’ edgy rock vibe, Ainsley has crafted a song that perfectly blends the two, resulting in an anthem that feels both fresh and familiar. The energy is infectious, and Ainsley’s voice shines through with every beat, capturing that exhilarating rush of unexpected feelings.
This release is a total must-listen, and you won’t want to miss it! Be sure to follow Ainsley on social media and add “THEREGOESMY!“ to your Spotify playlist right now, you’ll thank me later for introducing you to your next favorite pop banger!