A conversation with Alexandra Fresquez about “Break Free”

Q: Hi! What inspired you to write the song “Break Free”?
A: Abdulla Alhamed, who’s a writer,
came to me with a song idea. He wanted to create a positive upbeat song around his lyrics he sent me. The song was about being free and living life to the fullest with no fear. Myself and another songwriter used this perspective along with our own vision of this idea to turn it into Break Free, and I love the message. It’s such a fun song and building a song around his ideas and lyrics are always so inspiring.
Q: Can you tell us about the creative process behind “Break Free”?
A: I contacted one of the awesome producers I regularly work with, Ayax Arroyo, to see what kind of beat we could come up with as well as an amazing songwriter I regularly work with, Brooke Tomlinson, she’s helped me with some of my favorite songs. We got the beat made, and then we wrote around it with what Abdulla had sent us. I went to record it in Nashville, and then we got started on the music video! Which was a blast!
Q: What message or emotion do you hope listeners take away from the song?
A:I think “Break free” can mean whatever you need it to mean, but to me it is about breaking free from myself, from the ways that I hold myself down. Breaking free from the me who thinks I can’t, and the me who has bad habits. I think your biggest completion, and your hardest thing to overcome is yourself. I’m also a big believer in living every day to the very fullest. We aren’t meant to just work and die. We’re all here for a reason.
Q: How does “Break Free” differ from your previous music releases?
A: The positive upbeat style. We also thought it sounds a little 70s/80s style. Which ended up being really fun to work on.
Q: Were there any particular challenges or obstacles you faced while working on “Break Free”?
A: I think one of the challenges was that this isn’t usually the style of music I work on, but I really loved working on such a positive fun song.
Q: What was your favorite part about creating “Break Free”?
A: I love the whole creation process from beginning to end. Seeing what kind of beat we’re going create, what kind of style, what kind of instruments we’re going to include, finding inspiration in other songs. I think one of the things I loved the most about this one was seeing someone else’s perspective in lyrics, and getting to work with something that isn’t necessarily all of my own emotions but combining someone else’s perspective with my own.
Q: Are there any personal experiences or stories that influenced the lyrics of the song?
A: The main song idea originally came from Abdulla Alhamed. He is a beautiful lyricist. He wanted Break Free to reflect a positive upbeat vibe about being free and embracing life, living with no fear.
Q: How do you envision “Break Free” fitting into your overall musical style or career trajectory?
A: it’s definitely a little different than some of my previous music but I enjoy the style, and the happy feeling it gives. One of my biggest career goals with music, is to be able to help other people. That’s why all merchandise proceeds go to charity. For break free all proceeds are going directly to “Our Story is”- a non profit focused on food insecurity, and providing fresh produce to the community. I would eventually love to go on tour, and while touring, be able to help different communities throughout.
Q: Can you give us a hint about any upcoming projects or future plans related to “Break Free” or your music in general?
A: Yes! there is a music video out now, which was so fun to create! It’s up on YouTube. I am currently working with Abdulla on 3 more songs. The next one, called “Sun Will Rise” is coming out September 1st! I must say this song is my favorite, so you have to check it out when it comes out! I’m so excited for it. We’ll be filming a music video for that as well! I’ll also be performing in January at the New Mexico Hip Hop Awards! So keep an eye out!